Nowadays kidney stone is becoming a common problem, especially in males. In this blog, you will know about the symptoms and causes of kidney stones, So that you can get the right treatment at the right time.

What is Kidney stone?

Minerals and salts build up inside your kidneys to form kidney stones (renal calculus, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis). In addition to diet, excess body weight, and certain medical conditions, kidney stones can also be caused by supplements and medications. Stones can affect your kidneys, bladder, or any other part of the urinary tract. Minerals crystallize and stick together when urine becomes concentrated, causing stones to form.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Symptoms of a kidney stone typically manifest only after the stone has moved around inside the kidney or passed down one of the ureters. Those tubes that lead from the kidneys to the bladder are called ureters.

A kidney stone in the ureter can cause the ureter to spasm and the kidney to enlarge, both of which are extremely painful conditions. In such a case, you might notice the following signs and symptoms:

  • Intense, stabbing pain in the lower back and sides
  • Severe discomfort in the groyne and lower stomach
  • A fluctuating, vibrational pain
  • Experiencing discomfort or pain during urinating
  • Other signs that may accompany these include
  • Pee can be any colour, from pink to red to brown.
  • Having to go to the bathroom frequently, even when you don’t have to, or only producing a few drops of urine each time might all be signs of a problem
  • Feeling sick to one’s stomach and throwing up
  • Symptoms of an illness, include fever and chills.
  • As the kidney stone makes its way through the urinary tract, the pain it causes may evolve, moving to a new spot or becoming more severe.

What are the main causes of Kidney Stones?

A kidney stone’s composition can vary depending on its cause. Besides uric acid stones, calcium oxalate stones are also possible.

Urinary substances are the primary building blocks of kidney stones. The compounds that can accumulate to form stones are typically eliminated from the body via the urinary tract. But when they don’t, it’s because the urine volume is too low, leading to a crystallisation of the concentrated chemicals. If you aren’t getting enough fluids, this can happen. Components of stones include:

  • Calcium.
  • Oxalate.
  • Cystine (rare)
  • Xanthine (rare)
  • Acid uric.
  • Phosphate.

In addition to these compounds, your body also excretes a variety of others when it no longer needs them.

Calcium oxalate stones are the most frequent kind of kidney stone. This form develops when calcium and oxalate in the urine combine to form a crystal. This condition arises when there is an excess of oxalate in the body, insufficient calcium in the diet, and a lack of fluid intake. Uric acid stones are another typical type of stone.

Also Read: Differences between Gallstones Vs Kidney Stones

Risk Factors Associated with Kidney Stones

The likelihood of acquiring kidney stones is influenced by several factors, including:

Diet – 

A higher risk of developing some forms of kidney stones has been linked to a sodium-rich diet. The danger of developing kidney stones is greatly amplified when the diet contains an excessive amount of sodium because of the increased calcium clearance work required of the kidneys. High-protein and high-sugar diets have also been linked to increased kidney stones.

Overweight or obese – 

There is a higher risk for both the first-time occurrence of kidney stones and subsequent recurrences of kidney stones in those who are overweight or obese.

Dehydration – 

In almost all cases, this is what’s to blame, and fixing it is a breeze. Crystals occur in the kidneys when there are more crystal-forming chemicals in the urine than the urine’s fluid can dilute. Therefore, the chance of developing kidney stones increases if you don’t get the recommended amount of water every day.

Surgery and conditions affecting the digestive tract – 

You may be more likely to develop kidney stones if you have a digestive condition that interferes with your body’s ability to absorb calcium, electrolytes, and water. Inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis are very common, as is gastric bypass surgery.

Conditions related to metabolism – 

Renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, and hyperparathyroidism are all metabolic disorders that may raise the risk of kidney stones.

Infections of the urinary tract – 

larger kidney stones can occur in those with chronic urinary tract infections. We also refer to them as infection stones or struvite.

Renal tubular acidosis – 

Insufficient acid excretion by the kidneys leads to a disease in which the patient’s blood remains excessively acidic while their urine becomes too alkaline.

When to see a doctor:

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, it is important to see a Kidney Stone doctor as soon as possible, and emergency services should be called if you believe you need them. Sometimes, a person suffering from kidney stones may not realise it’s time to get care.